1.) Today many TV shows and advertisements try to look amateurish or "homegrown" to emulate what is often seen on the Web. Do you think professional production values will continue to drop, or do you think amateur user-generated content will get better over time? WHY??
Today, many television shows and advertisements use the amateurish and homegrown look to bring across a certain message. Many people think that this form of filming and advertising is because production values are dropping, but meanwhile, these producers are using this "homegrown" look purposely. It shows a more artistic, a more creative side to filming. Not everything has to be perfect and evolved. Just like people still use polaroid cameras, and use black and white. People still like vintage clothing, and record players. It allows a person to be in touch with their artistic side. When the Blair Witch Project was filmed, they used this "homegrown" look, which made the story more believable, and made it seem like it actually happened, and it wasn't just some made up story. So while many producers will still use more generated content, I believe many other producers will use this "homegrown" look when trying to bring across certain messages.
2.)What social media sites do you find yourself using the most, and why? In your opinion why is Facebook so much more successful than MySpace, and do you think Facebook is "here to stay" for the long term.
Social media has become quite successful, and highly used by most people, ranging from all different ages. With time, the most popular social media is bound to change. When the Internet first started becoming popular, AOL was the most popular social media site to be on, exchanging e-mails with friends and family. Then came the days of AOL instant message, other wise known as AIM. This was an easier and faster way to communicate. Then came the days of Myspace, which came and went fast, due the the scare of "predators and stalkers" on the site. This is why Facebook became so highly popular. Everyone believed Facebook was the safer social media site to use, and was created for college kids. I made my Facebook in 11th grade, and has most definitely been the social site I find myself on most often. Many people have Twitters as well, but I don't really see the point in that. I don't think Facebook is here to stay for good. I am sure it will be used for a while, but all things come and go, and as I have just proven, within the past ten years, we have already been through a plethora of social media sites.
3.) Why is transparency such an important concept in the Social Media world? Is it MORE or LESS important in the offline world? Why?
Transparency is such an important concept in the Social Media World. According to this blog it says that to be transparent is to be open. Being open in the Social Media world has both its positives and negatives. For starters, it is easier to be more truthful and say things when you are not dealing with a person face to face. But, once it is written in the Social Media world, it is out there for everyone and anyone to see. It is gone into the cyber world, and there is no back tracing your steps. This is why transparency is far more important in the online world. If you are open, truthful and transparent in the offline world, you can deny, explain, and save yourself. You can have a conversation between one other person and know that they can not print out and save what you are saying. This is why transparency is a much bigger concept when dealing with the online world.
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