Do you feel that "Mister Brain Wash" is a legitimate artist who is creating meaningful art?
Mister Brain Wash, also known as MBW, in my opinion is nowhere near a legitimate artist who creates meaningful art. Meaningful art is a self-explanatory statement. It is art that one creates that actually means something to them, whether it be personally or emotionally. The art most people like to buy, that art that is at least in my house, is art that someone painted, or sculpted, or created that touched them deeply, and therefore has touched us deeply.
Mister Brain Wash was originally a filmer. He filmed things that he found interesting, that caught him of interest. This is more of an art, then what followed. After his meetings with Banksy, Mister Brain Wash realized that he wanted to paint, and create artwork pieces. What he started creating were tracings and sketches of work that was already created. He painted pictures of Marilyn Monroe, and Disney characters. He took ideas from already famous artists such as Andy Warhol. Mister Brain Wash himself was a lazy good for nothing so- called “artist.” He had people work for him, and create this work that he took credit for. When it was time for his premiere, Mister Brain Wash didn’t even set up the layout for his own show. He was bossing around people, who I don’t even think were being paid. Mister Brain Wash is so very far from an artist. His title is correct though. MBW definitely does “brainwash” people into thinking he is an artist. He does brain wash people into thinking his work is original. He does brainwash people into thinking that he makes his own work.
I have been in art classes since I was in second grade. I am nowhere near artistic. I have not created anything that any real person would want to buy. But, I can say that I am more of an artist that Mister Brain Wash. For starters, my work is one-hundred percent original. On second note, what I create, I create because it caught my interest, because I liked what I was doing, because it was meaningful to me. That is what being an artist is. Creating something that you personally find interesting, and joyful, and makes you happy. What Mister Brain Wash is creating is only making him happy because he is having airhead people buy his work.
That is the thing about art. Every piece, every painting, every sculpture, it all means different things to different people. When I see “The David”, a statue of a naked man, that is a very very notable sculpture of art, I just see a big naked man. I see absolutely no meaning to that at all. I do not get what all the fuss is about, and why it is one of the “things to see” when you are in Italy. I saw it first hand, up close. It is in it’s own section in the museum, guarded by a rope. Why? It is a naked man statue. Nothing special. But see, to many people, that statue is GODLY, it is awesome, it is wonderful, might as well be the 8th wonder of the world. So to say Mister Brain Wash’s work is meaningless, useless, unoriginal and lacking in creativity is just plain harsh. Because from an outsider view, what I saw in the movie, that is 100 percent what it seemed like, but there is always two sides to every story. Maybe to Mister Brain Wash, his paintings did mean more to him then filming. Maybe it was not about the money. Some people can argue for Mister Brain Washer and say his work is awesome. But to me, and the question you asked “Do you feel that "Mister Brain Wash" is a legitimate artist who is creating meaningful art?”, I would PERSONALLY have to no. I think he creates useless, meaningless and insignificant work.